Tag: Canada

  • Where are visitors to MartaWalsh.com from?

    Quite a lot of places is the short answer. Most common are visitors from the US and a strong second from Canada. But although it’s mainly North American surfers just in the last month there has been visits from 83 countries. You have to wonder just how interested in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley real estate […]

  • Welcome Snowbirds

    Well it’s that time of year and I think it’s safe to say they are here. Driving recently I have seen license plates from Maine, Illinois, Washington State, Minnesota, Oregan, Kansa and from Canada, Alberta and BC. I have clients in town from Minnesota and Michigan. Luckily for the out of towners the cold snap […]

  • From Toronto, Canada to Scottsdale, Arizona

    I had the pleasure of a recent vacation to the beautiful city of Toronto, Ontario in our neighboring Canada. I took some photo’s along the way and just wanted to share some of those pictures with some observations about a great city. While I was in Toronto I had some great discussions about real estate, and the […]