Gainey Ranch

According to the Gainey Ranch community website:

Daniel C. Gainey’s former ranch house, constructed during 1955, has been converted into the Daniel C. Gainey Estate Club. Gainey used his ranch acreage for breeding Arabian horses, raising Hereford cattle and cultivating agricultural crops. The Daniel C. Gainey Estate Club serves as the community center for Gainey Ranch.

Visit their site here.

When you see all the development that has taken place since the Gainey ranch was an active horse ranch it’s almost impossible to imagine the scenery. Standing atop of Camelback mountain and looking east to see pretty much only desert past Scottsdale Road.

I found one old postcard from the 1950’s which shows the Camelback Mountain with almost no homes climbing up it.

Camelback Mountain Circa 1950's From
Camelback Mountain Circa 1950's From

Today Gainey Ranch is a great place to live. So close to shopping, dining and resorts. Some highlights include the Hyatt Regency for drinks, snacks and daily live music. Dinner at the ever popular Houston’s. Golf at Gainey Ranch and who can forget my favorite sport of all shopping at Fashion Square Mall.

Options for real estate are also varied. From smaller condo’s to large golf course estates. Prices tend to start at $250,000 and up for a small condo with large detached homes in the million dollar plus range.

Gainey Ranch Homes For Sale
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