Tag: visitors
Where are visitors to MartaWalsh.com from?
Quite a lot of places is the short answer. Most common are visitors from the US and a strong second from Canada. But although it’s mainly North American surfers just in the last month there has been visits from 83 countries. You have to wonder just how interested in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley real estate […]
Where Are People Searching For Scottsdale Real Estate From?
The short answer it seems is: All over the world. Today I was looking at my Google Analytics statistics to see just exactly who was visiting www.martawalsh.com. Here are some of the findings. Just this year there have been visitors from 77 different countries. In 2011. The most visitors to this site have been USA: […]
What Makes My Website Memorable?
Ok well this morning we were challenged by the ever thought provoking Ricardo Bueno to test what first time visitors find most memorable about your website. To facilitate the challenge he suggests using an app called ClueApp which is a very easy way to try and harness some user comments. If you would like to […]