Friday Reading

Friday, especially one before a holiday weekend is a good time to stock up on some reading. Here are some of the things I’ve been reading this week.

5 Ways to Make Your Time More Valuable by Michael Ellsberg.

James Altucher is borderline insane but I can’t stop reading his blog. His Nine Ways To Guarantee Success is one of his better recent posts.

Good news for the consumer. Sentiment Up As Gas Prices Fall.

The publishing industry still in denial.

Seth Godin was writing about Caring. He really hit the point with this one.

Finally a very long read. From 2002. By Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell for the New Yorker. Its about trading specifically but its about risk and leverage also. Some of the points raised give lessons that would of been useful to avoid the housing crisis we have been through in recent times. It’s called Blowing Up.

Have a great Memorial weekend.



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